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2024 Election Coverage | Accounting Today

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With another presidential campaign in the offing, the accounting profession will be keeping an eye on the flood of tax proposals that have already begun to come out of the two main candidates' camps, to see what might be in store for their clients in 2025 and later. They'll also be looking to see how the campaign and the candidates are likely to impact the overall economy — all while casting a jaundiced eye over a political climate that almost three-quarters of them find "very dissatisfying."

What accountants think about the election

Accountants' current voting intentions for the 2024 presidential election more or less mirror how they voted in 2020 — allowing for those who are still undecided, they're relatively evenly split between the two major parties — but they are agreed that fiscal, economic and tax issues are the biggest priorities for whoever wins.


Accountants and the 2024 election

Overall, the accounting profession generally leans Republican in its political preferences, but it's much more neck and neck in the presidential race.

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