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  • Synthesis Of Goldene: Single-Atom Layer Gold With Interesting Properties

    The synthesis of single-atom layer versions of a range of atoms is currently all the hype, with graphene probably the most well-known example of this. These monolayers are found to …read more

  • Combadge Project Wants To Bring Trek Tech To Life

    While there's still something undeniably cool about the flip-open communicators used in the original Star Trek, the fact is, they don't really look all that futuristic compared to modern mobile …read more

  • A Smart Power Distribution Unit For Home Automation

    Power distribution units, as the name implies, are indispensable tools to have available in a server rack. They can handle a huge amount of power for demands of intensive computing …read more

  • The Myth Of Propellantless Space Propulsion Refuses To Die

    In a Universe ruled by the harsh and unyielding laws of Physics, it's often tempting to dream of mechanisms which defy these rigid restrictions. Although over the past hundred years …read more

  • Reverse Engineering A Fancy Disposable Vape

    Many readers will be aware of the trend for disposable vapes, and how harvesting them for lithium-ion batteries has become a popular pastime in our community. We're all used to …read more

  • Keebin' With Kristina: The One With The Transmitting Typewriter

    Okay, so we're opening with more than just a keyboard, and that's fine. In fact, it's more than fine, it's probably the cutest lil' ZX Spectrum you'll see today. [SrBlonde]'s …read more

  • Chip Mystery: The Case Of The Purloined Pin

    Let's face it — electronics are hard. Difficult concepts, tiny parts, inscrutable datasheets, and a hundred other factors make it easy to screw up in new and exciting ways. Sometimes …read more

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