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These vitamin D supplements are a firm favourite - here's why

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Our bodies can only function at their best if we give them a variety of vitamins and nutrients that they can use to fuel different systems, from digestion to immune health. Most of these nutrients can come from food and exercise, apart from vitamin D. We need the sun for that, and living in the UK and working too hard indoors can mean most of us can easily become deficient.

The sunshine vitamin, so-called because we get most of it from the sun's rays, can contribute to bone health, muscle function and even our moods. When we don't have it, there's an increased risk of bone pain, bone fractures, muscle pain, and muscle weakness. Are you constantly experiencing aches and niggles and not sure why? Upping your levels with a vitamin D supplement could sort it, so you can live your life without pain slowing you down.

In our review of the best vitamin D supplements, two of the most affordable ways to naturally up our levels of this essential nutrient are the Myvitamins softgels (from £2.74, Myprotein.com) and the Myvitamins gummies (£7.99, Myvitamins.com). Both are vegan-friendly, wallet-friendly and also kind to the planet, with recycled packaging. If you're unsure whether you'd prefer a chewable gummy or a swallowable capsule, here's what our expert reviewers experienced with each when they tested them out.

The generous-sized bottle contains 180 capsules, which works out to a six-month supply - our reviewer noted this was "excellent value for money" given that the bottle costs £15, meaning that your monthly supply costs just £2.50.

Small and "easy to swallow", our expert liked that they were vegan-friendly with no creatine, which can often be found in softgel capsules. Instead, these contain lichen algae, helping you to get your daily vitamin D needs while on a plant-based diet. Our tester also approved of how "the pot is made from recycled materials and is fully recyclable again when it's empty."

Each softgel contains 1,000IU, which is a little over the daily recommended dose of 600IU, to ensure enough reaches your gut where it can get to work.

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Myvitamins vitamin D gummies, 1,000IU: Was £15.99, now £7.99, Myprotein.com

Find it hard to swallow capsules? Enter gummies, which are a delicious way to take supplements. Our tester noted that they "looked forward to the yummy taste" and this made it easier to get into a habit of taking them every single day, after all, for a supplement to be effective, consistency is key.

Orange in colour, they're also orange in flavour, delivering 500 per cent of your recommended daily dose in a refreshing chew. However, this flavour does come at the cost of added sugar, which you need to be aware of if you're trying to cut down on sugar.

There are 60 gummies in a bottle, so they're more expensive than the softgels, but you are paying for the convenience of not having to swallow a tablet. Sign us up.

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Looking for more sunshine supplement recommendations? Read our review of the best vitamin D

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