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Strengthen and tone your entire body with this 31-day cardio and strength workout

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You asked — we answered! The Start TODAY community is feeling reinvigorated by spring and ready to tackle another lofty mileage goal. Not only did members ask us to bring back the 100-mile challenge for May, but they want to up the ante even more by adding strength training to the mix.

When it came to equipment, there was a tie between resistance bands and dumbbells — some people even said they wanted to use both! So for this month's challenge, I've created two full-body strength-training routines: one with dumbbells and one with resistance bands.

31-day full body strength and cardio workout

Start TODAY May 100-Mile Walking and Strength Challenge

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We will be performing a 15-20 minute strength routine three times a week. When strength training, it's important to give your muscles a day off in between workouts to recover, repair and rebuild. On your off days, make progress toward the mileage goal or perform other types of exercise, but be mindful not to perform the same strength routine two days in a row.

In addition to strength training, we'll bring back our 100-mile walking challenge this month! Remember: One mile is about 2,000 steps. So, if you're spreading your mileage out evenly over the 31-day period, that comes out to about 6,500 steps a day. Plus, we're tracking all movement throughout the day, not only the walks you take for exercise. The beauty of a month-long goal is that if there are days you fall short, that's OK! You can make up for it by taking a longer walk over the weekend or plannng something active that will help you get in more steps. If you want to challenge yourself to go for more miles, feel free! Set a goal that feels challenging, but achievable, for you.

The benefits of strength training and cardio

Walking is one of our favorite forms of exercise and it comes with a laundry list of benefits (both physical and mental). Adding strength to a cardio routine is a smart move to see even more benefit from your workouts. Research shows that the combination of strength training and cardio exercise can help with weight loss. Plus, strengthening the core and lower body translates to improvements in performance when walking and running, like improved balance, increased speed and lower risk of injury.

Building muscle also helps burn fat and speed up the metabolism. Plus, research shows that strength training is associated with reductions in anxiety symptoms among healthy adults and reduced depression symptoms and better sleep quality for adults with diagnosed depression.

At-home strength training workouts

For each strength workout, you will perform 8 exercises circuit style, moving from one exercise to the next followed by a short rest before completing the circuit again for three total rounds. To start, we will perform 10 repetitions of each exercises. Half way through the month we will do a check in: Are the workouts feeling easier? It's time to increase the repetitions to 12 or even 15 reps!

You will need two types of equipment for our strength routines: a pair of dumbbells (I recommend starting with 3-5 pounds if you're a beginner, 5-7 pounds for intermediate, and 8 and up for advanced) and a resistance band with handles. If you only have one or the other, stick with just one of the routines, three times a week. They are both full-body routines so you will get just as good of a workout!

Dumbbell strength routine

Rotated Bicep Curl. (Stephanie Mansour)

Externally rotated bicep curl

Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your arms hanging down by your sides. Externally rotate your arms out to the sides. Keeping your elbows hugged into your body, curl the weights up toward your shoulders. Slowly lower them back down. Be careful not to let your arms swing. If your arms are swinging, your weights may be too heavy.

Tricep Kickbacks. (Stephanie Mansour)

Tricep kickbacks

Stand with your feet hip-distance apart, knees slightly bent. Hold one weight in each hand and let your arms hang down at your sides. Hinge forward at the waist so that your chest is tilted at a 45-degree angle toward the ground. Perform a row by pulling your elbows up toward the sky, hugging them into your sides. Then, holding the elbows still, press the weights back and up into a tricep kickback, working the upper back and back of the arms. Come back to the row position and repeat.

Overhead Press. (Stephanie Mansour)

Overhead press

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your elbows bent at 90 degrees in a goal-post position. Keep your wrists and palms facing forward. While maintaining good posture and engaging your core, extend your elbows and push the weights toward the sky, slightly in front of your head. Return to the starting position and repeat.

Squat with Punches. (Stephanie Mansour)

Squat with punches

Hold a dumbbell in each hand, one in front of each shoulder. Sit back into a squat, squeezing your glutes and abs. Extend your right arm straight out in front of you in a punching motion. Bring your right arm back in and punch with your left arm, then stand back up. Repeat 10 times.

Plank Row. (Stephanie Mansour)

Plank row

Come on to all fours and place a dumbbell on either side of you, next to your shoulders. In tabletop position grasp a dumbbell in each hand. Then push up into a plank position or a modified plank position on your knees. With your back straight and core engaged, keep your hips and shoulders square to the floor as you drive your left elbow up toward the ceiling. Lower back to starting position, then drive your right elbow up toward the ceiling. Alternate arms, performing 10 repetitions on each side.

Curtsy Lunge. (Stephanie Mansour)

Curtsy lunge

Standing tall with feet shoulder-width apart and a dumbbell in each hand. Step your right foot back behind and to the left of your left foot. Bend both knees as you lower down into a lunge in this curtsy position. Then press down through your left heel to bring your right leg back to center. Perform 10 reps toward the left before switching to the right.

Weighted Sit Up. (Stephanie Mansour)

Weighted situp

Lie on your back holding a dumbbell above your chest with arms fully extended. Bend your knees and keep your feet flat on the floor. Pull your naval in toward your spine and raise your upper body toward your knees. Reach the dumbbell up and over your knees and pause slightly before lowering back down to the starting position. Repeat.

Weighted Sit Up. (Stephanie Mansour)

Crunch to chest press

Lie on your back with a dumbbell in each hand. Starting with your arms in a goal-post position, press the dumbbells up toward the ceiling with arms straight, then slowly roll up and move the straightened arms above your head until the dumbbells are pointed toward the ceiling and you are sitting upright. Slowly lower your arms back in front of you as you roll back down to the mat. Once you reach the mat your arms should still be pointed toward the ceiling. Bring them back down toward your chest to complete one rep. Repeat.

Resistance band strength routine

Leg Press. (Stephanie Mansour)

Leg press

Lie on your back and bend your knees in toward your chest. Place the band under your feet while holding a handle in each hand. Keep your abs engaged and your head and upper back off the floor. Slowly press your feet away from your body until your legs are straight. Bend your knees and bring them back in toward your chest for one rep.

Single Arm Bicep Curls. (Stephanie Mansour)

Single arm bicep curls

Stager your legs with a slight bend in your knees. Place your front foot on the band and hold a handle in each hand. Curl the right arm up, then lower it down. Curl the left arm up and lower it down. Alternate for 10 reps.

Reverse Fly. (Stephanie Mansour)

Reverse fly

Hold one handle in each hand and step on the band with one foot. Step the other foot back behind you into a high lunge. Bend the front knee at almost a 90-degree angle and keep a slight bend in the back knee as well. Hinge at your waist, leaning forward to a 45-degree angle, and let your arms reach down toward the floor. Squeeze your shoulder blades together, pulling the band out to the sides as high as your shoulders. Return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.

Squat. (Stephanie Mansour)


Step onto the band with both feet shoulder-width apart. Holding a handle with each hand, raise them up to your shoulders. Keep your back straight with your chest proud, press your butt back as you lower your hips into a squat, bending your knees. Push through the heels to return to standing. Repeat.

Lateral Side Raise. (Stephanie Mansour)

Lateral side raise

Hold one handle in each hand. Place one foot in the middle of the band and the other foot next to it. Pull your naval in to stabilize your core and slowly raise your arms up until they are parallel with the floor, pause and slowly lower them back down. Repeat.

Boat Pose into Hollow Hold. (Stephanie Mansour)

Boat pose to hollow hold

Start in a seated position with knees bent. Place the band around the bottom of your feet and hold one handle in each hand. Slightly lift your feet off the floor and keep your knees bent. Straighten your arms until they are next to your knees. Focus on not letting your back round as you push your legs straight out while lowering your upper body down toward the mat at the same time. Once your lower back (the bottom of your ribs) reaches the mat, raise back up to the starting position while also bending your legs until your hands are next to your knees again. Repeat.

Upright Row. (Stephanie Mansour)

Upright row

Standing on the band with both feet hips-width apart, holding a handle in both hands. Slowly pull the handles up toward your chin until they are chest level with your elbows pointed out to the sides. Bring your arms back to the starting position. Repeat.

Single Leg Dead Lift. (Stephanie Mansour)

Single leg deadlift

Begin by placing one foot on your band. Place the other foot slightly behind you, resting lighly on your toe. Holding one handle in each hand, hinge forward, letting your torso lower toward the ground while raising your free leg up behind you until it is parallel with the floor. Slowly bring your leg back to the starting position. Repeat.

This article was originally published on TODAY.com

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